Trucking Jobs Iowa

We are currently hiring for drivers in the Midwest!

Blue, Red, Orange, and White trucks at Stoller Trucking

Find Your Dream Trucking Jobs in Iowa with Stoller

Whether you’re new to trucking or looking for a new company to progress your career, Stoller Trucking needs you! At Stoller, we’re always looking for dedicated drivers in search of trucking jobs in Iowa. Our family of drivers helps deliver general freight and liquid freight for companies throughout the Midwest. If you live in the Midwest, are looking for better perks/benefits, and wish to join a friendly and reliable trucking crew, Stoller Trucking is your answer!

Freight Delivery

When trucking with Stoller, our drivers primarily deliver two types of loads: general freight and non-hazardous liquid/bulk freight. We ensure our drivers are properly trained and qualified to provide for the delivery needs of our clients, ensuring fast, safe and secure transportation of goods.

  • General Freight – The most common type of freight is dry van/ general freight. General freight loads involve the transportation of non-perishable goods of varying sizes. Some examples of general freight that Stoller helps move include non-perishable food/drink, clothing, electronics, equipment, parts/components, etc.
  • Liquid/Bulk Freight – While general freight primarily contends with consumer goods, liquid and bulk freight are more for unpackaged commercial products. To carry this type of freight, our drivers are educated on the usage and care of tanker trailers. Some of what Stoller transports includes gravel/sand, concrete, grain/feed, water, milk, alcohol, etc.

Choose Your Career Path

Stoller Trucking works to match our drivers with their preferred career paths. We understand not all drivers have the means to supply their own trucks and equipment, while others prefer more freedom and control over their loads. As such, we offer career paths that accommodate all types of truckers and trucking jobs in Iowa.

Trucking Jobs in Iowa as a trucker drives under a blue sky
  • Company Drivers – A company driver is directly employed by Stoller. Stoller Trucking supplies our company drivers with the latest trucks, trailers and equipment. Furthermore, manage the scheduling and loads for our company drivers, ensuring they stay busy, but their schedules remain flexible.
  • Owner-Operators – Being an owner-operator gives you freedom and control over your truck, trailer, scheduling and routes. As an owner-operator, you are responsible for supplying and maintaining your equipment. Additionally, your compensation as an owner-operator is significant and can cover associated truck upkeep costs.
  • Independent Carriers – An independent carrier is the same as an owner-operator but without trucking authority. Trucking authority permits you to be paid for hauling freight as your own company or operator. However, if you don’t have trucking authority, you can still take jobs and be paid when driving under Stoller’s trucking authority.

Work for Stoller!

At Stoller Trucking, we’re excited to bring new drivers into our truck-driving family! Find your preferred trucking job in Iowa when pursuing career opportunities through Stoller. To learn more about our company or job offerings, contact us today at 309-308-1630. Or, reach out via our contact form or email:

We do not offer any local driving positions. All driving positions are regional. If you are interested in a regional driving position, please select regional and continue filling out the application.