Trucking Jobs Indiana

We are currently hiring for drivers in the Midwest!

Stoller Trucks gathered outside of Stoller Trucking

Reliable and Well-Compensating Trucking Jobs in Indiana

Are you looking for a career change if your life? Do you want a job with excellent compensation and benefits? Do you want the opportunity to “become your own boss?” If any of these thoughts seem familiar, you should consider trucking jobs in Indiana! While other professions can be volatile and less reliable, truck driving ensures stability and support. When considering a career in trucking, reach out to the freight transportation experts at Stoller Trucking!

The Best Fit

Do you prefer more freedom and flexibility in your profession? Or would you rather have support and consistency working under a company’s umbrella? Either is an option when driving for Stoller! We work diligently to match our drivers with their preferred career paths and benefits. Trucking jobs in Indiana with Stoller include:

Company Drivers

Working as a company driver means you work directly for Stoller. Our company drivers receive some of our best benefits, receive consistent routes/schedules, and can receive training under our new driver programs. Some other benefits of company driving include:

  • Extra Expenses are Covered – If working as an independent driver, you are responsible for purchasing and maintaining your own truck and equipment. Conversely, a company driver is supplied with a truck and trailer from Stoller, and our body shop covers all maintenance costs.
  • Reliable Work – For other truck-driving jobs, you have to seek your own work. While Stoller helps independent drivers find jobs, our company drivers can rely on consistent work and pay, thanks to our expert dispatch team.
  • Insurance Coverage – If working as a company driver with Stoller, you can take advantage of our company insurance plans! Insurance coverage encompasses health, dental, vision and life insurance. You can also look forward to additional benefits as a company driver.
Independent Drivers
An independent driver performing Trucking Jobs in Indiana with Stoller Trucking

Many jobs and professions are limited in what the employee can control. However, as an independent driver, freedom and flexibility are a part of the job! By partnering with multiple Midwestern businesses, we can supply our owner-operators and independent carriers with a wide selection of general and liquid/bulk freight jobs. Additional advantages of independent driving include:

  • Higher Compensation – As owner-operators and independent carriers are responsible for their own trucks and equipment, Stoller seeks to help! Our independent driver jobs are higher compensation, allowing drivers to take a larger cut of profits and more easily cover truck upkeep fees.
  • Control Over Time – Are you worried about securing time for vacation? Not sure how you will fit a doctor’s appointment into your schedule? Don’t fret; you set your own schedule as an independent driver. You can select the routes and loads that match your preferred work schedule.
  • Control Over Work – In addition to controlling your schedule, you’re in charge of the jobs you take. This means you select the locations you wish to go to and the loads you wish to transport; as long as a route is completed safely and on time, you decide the best approach to your work.

Talk with Our Team

If you’re ready to give trucking jobs in Indiana a chance, or you wish to advance your ongoing trucking career, reach out to the Stoller Trucking team today! Learn more about our career opportunities and benefits by calling 309-308-1630 or via our contact form or email: Apply for a job with Stoller Trucking!

We do not offer any local driving positions. All driving positions are regional. If you are interested in a regional driving position, please select regional and continue filling out the application.