Trucking Companies Madison WI

We are currently hiring for drivers in the Midwest!

A line of Trucks outside of Stoller Trucking

Consider a Career with Trucking Companies for Madison WI

Are you bored with your old office job? Do you feel stuck, with nowhere to progress in your career and little to show? Why not consider a career with trucking companies in Madison WI? Truck driving is one of the country’s leading professions, with thousands of drivers helping companies throughout the U.S. keep up with consumer demands. If you are interested in what a career in truck driving entails, Stoller Trucking can be your guide!

Why Choose a Trucking Job?

Truck driving is the perfect job for individuals of all ages and experience levels. Within months, you can have your Commercial Drivers License (CDL) and make a significant income and great benefits with trucking companies like Stoller! Some of the advantages of truck driving include:

  • Fast Training Programs – With some help from Stoller, new truck drivers can earn their CDL within a minimum of seven weeks! Stoller Trucking can also help with additional training for driving specific load types, such as liquid and bulk freight.
  • Safe and Secure Jobs – Although trucking companies constantly hire new drivers, it’s not due to high turnover. Instead, consumer demands are always facilitating the need for more drivers. As such, truck driver jobs are always consistent and available, ensuring excellent job security.
  • Greater Enjoyment – Being stuck behind a desk is enough to drive anyone crazy. Truck driving jobs offer some workers a change of pace. Instead of boring offices, truck drivers experience the open road and witness some of our great country’s beautiful sites and vistas.
  • Flexibility – Not only does Stoller strive to provide flexible scheduling for our company drivers, but independent drivers have complete control over their routes and schedules. For those who dream of “being their own boss,” truck driving offers a path forward.
  • Excellent Compensation – You’ll likely find truck driver jobs offering excellent starting pay wherever you go. Throughout the U.S., the average yearly salary for beginning drivers is about 70K. Plus, with great benefits and advancement opportunities through Stoller, you can begin making the money you always dreamed of.

Careers with Stoller

A female driver working for Trucking Companies in Madison WI

Stoller Trucking strives to offer our drivers control over their careers regarding the jobs we offer. Whether you wish to work directly under a company’s operations or prefer working independently of trucking companies and dispatch crews, Stoller Trucking has you covered.

  • Company Drivers – Our company drivers are a direct extension of Stoller’s family. When company driving, you receive a truck and equipment from Stoller and have all your routes managed by our dispatch team. Additionally, you receive advanced benefits such as insurance coverage, sign-on bonuses, etc.
  • Owner-Operators – Our owner-operators work with Stoller rather than directly for. This means you are responsible for your trucks and equipment as an owner-operator. However, you can also set your schedule and choose high-compensation routes from Stoller’s extensive list of Midwestern business partnerships.
  • Independent Carriers – Our independent carriers have the same freedom as owner-operators but not the same trucking authority. Instead, independent drivers can operate throughout the Midwest under Stoller’s trucking authority.

Talk with Our Team

When you’re ready to make a decision about your career, make sure you make the right one! Find the best job opportunities with trusted and local trucking companies for Madison WI, like Stoller Trucking. To learn more about our company or the jobs we offer, call Stoller today at 309-308-1630 or via our contact form or email: Apply for a job with Stoller Trucking!

We do not offer any local driving positions. All driving positions are regional. If you are interested in a regional driving position, please select regional and continue filling out the application.