Whether you’re a truck driver with years of experience, or a new driver fresh off earning your CDL, Stoller Trucking has a place for you! Our family-owned company functions much like a family as we strive to build a friendly and welcoming company culture for our drivers and staff. Moreover, we seek to support our drivers with incredible benefits and excellent compensation with our truck driving jobs in Milwaukee WI. If interested in seeing what trucking companies for Wisconsin have to offer, call Stoller Trucking!
Some individuals work better under a controlled and organized system, while others prefer the freedom to choose and make their own decisions. Each work style has benefits, and Stoller Trucking can appeal to both. Whether as a company driver or an independent driver, you can find the truck driver jobs that best suit your work style with Stoller.
Are you new to truck driving? Company driving with Stoller is a great way to introduce you to the trucking profession. With company support and additional benefits offered to drivers, new and old truckers can significantly benefit from working directly with Stoller. Some of the advantages of company driving include:
Through independent driving, our drivers can “be their own boss!” Owner-operators and independent carriers are responsible for supplying and maintaining their trucks and equipment. However, the tradeoff is more freedom and control over the various aspects of your trucking job. Many truck drivers prefer independent driving for reasons like:
There’s never been a better time to start truck driving jobs in Milwaukee WI with local trucking companies in the state. If you are interested in a trucking career, find the best local routes, benefits and compensation with Stoller Trucking! To learn more about job opportunities with Stoller, call today at 309-308-1630 or via our contact form or email: info@stollertrucking.com. Apply for a job with Stoller Trucking!
We do not offer any local driving positions. All driving positions are regional. If you are interested in a regional driving position, please select regional and continue filling out the application.